Author: Jose Cruz


I heard My IT Guy Say LLM

What is LLM? Large Language Models (LLMs) are like the brainy know-it-alls of the computer world, but way cooler because they don’t brag about their SAT scores. Imagine a robot that’s swallowed a library...

Man in the Middle Attack

What it is? This type of attack happens when a malicious actor introduce themselves in between you and the other systems/network you are communicating with. Analogy Passive strategy – John and you are in...


The “I Would update it Later” Virus

The “I would update later” virus is one of the most common infections, and it is 100% preventable. The most effective attack vector takes effect from humans. Social engineering, weak password, and not updating/upgrading...

To Update Or Not To Update, That is The Question

The majority of us, if not all, have seen the message that says “Press Here to Update now or Schedule for Later.” I am sure that 99.9% of the time you press the let’s...


Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Are as Friendly as a Golden Retriever

How comfortable would you be walking alongside someone who is constantly yelling: “Hey, do I know you?!! Hey, do I know you?!!! Hey, I know you? let’s talk”? That is pretty much what you...

6 Simple Ways to Be Safe While Online

The Cyberworld is full of risk, on this post I would like to give you six technics that will help reduce your risk surface. The first recommendation on the list is the most important...

Be Aware, Never Scared

If you do not use our…, if you click that link.., if you don’t change your password…. Have you heard these phrases from cybersecurity professionals or marketers before? I am sure you have. This strategy...

The Solution for Security Uncertainty

Reality The reality is that we will never know when are you going to be hacked or be able to eliminate all possible risks to a system, network or application. Dealing with the reality of...

Interesting Facts About the Recycle Bin

Delete Doesn’t Mean Destroyed I am pretty sure most of you think that when you delete a file or move to the recycle bin, it is removed from the system and is not recoverable....

Bookmark This! – Versus Webpage

Essential Webpage Today you finally decided to be more organized and start searching online for a list solution app. After typing “Top 10 apps to create a task list” you are overwhelmed by the...